业务码 | 说明 | 英文说明 |
900200 | 操作成功 | Operate Successfully |
900400 | 请求参数不正确 | Request parameters are incorrect |
900401 | 用户未登录或登录已失效,请重新登录 | User is not logged in or the account has expired, please log in again |
900403 | 该请求被禁止 | This request is forbidden |
900404 | 请求的资源无法找到 | Requested resource is not found |
900408 | 请求超时,请稍候重试 | Time out, please try again |
900409 | 请求冲突 | Request conflict |
900412 | 并发编辑错误 | Concurrent editing error |
900429 | 请求过多 | Too Many Requests |
900440 | 会话过期 | Login Time-out |
900500 | 服务器繁忙,请稍候重试 | The server is busy, please try again later |
900501 | 不支持该操作 | Not Implemented |
900502 | 作为网关或者代理工作的服务器尝试执行请求时,从上游服务器接收到无效的响应 | Bad Gateway |
900503 | 服务不可用 | Service Unavailable |
900504 | 上游服务器无响应 | Gateway Timeout |
900511 | 服务器内部错误 | Server Internal Error |
900599 | 未知错误 | unknown mistake |
业务码 | 说明 | 英文说明 |
901000 | 用户名或密码不正确 | Incorrect account or password |
901001 | 域不正确 | Incorrect domain |
901002 | 该帐号已存在 | Account already exists |
901003 | 该帐号不存在 | Account does not exist |
901004 | 该帐号已被禁用 | Account is disabled |
901005 | 该帐号没有即时会议权限 | This account does not have meet now permission |
901006 | 密码错误次数过多 | Too many attempts with incorrect password |
901007 | 号码不符合规则 | Invalid format |
901008 | 设备账号不允许非设备账号注册 | Device account does not allow non-device account registration |
901009 | 密码被修改,通知下线 | Password changed, notify offline |
901010 | 账号被删除,通知下线 | Account deleted, notify offline |
901011 | 账号在其他地方登陆 | The account is logged in elsewhere |
901012 | 账号不能登录 | Account cannot be signed in |
901013 | 账号升级,通知下线 | Account upgrade, notification offline |
901014 | 无效的短信验证码 | Invalid verification code |
901015 | 账号变动,请重新登录 | If the account number is changed, please inform us to log off |
901016 | 服务归属不匹配 | Service attribution does not match |
901017 | 账号正在注销 | Account is being deleted |
901018 | 硬件设备账号被限制登录 | Hardware device account is restricted to sign in |
901019 | 国际站点注册,国家选择巴西切换跳转至巴西站 | Select Brazil as the registered country, please switch to Brazil site, click switch |
901020 | 注册校验出错,请重新填写注册信息 | Registration verification error, please fill in the registration information again |
901021 | 未购买终端管理服务单的企业限制使用企业内硬件账号注册(防窜货) | Enterprise that have not purchased a terminal management service order are restricted to use the hardware account registration within the enterprise (anti-cashing) |
901022 | 您的账号正在注销中,请在完成注销后重新注册 | Your account is being cancelled. Please register again after the cancellation |
901023 | 账号正在注销中,请稍后重试,注销操作将在注销申请提交后8小时左右完成 | Your account is being cancelled. Please try again later, the cancellation operation will be completed about 8 hours after the cancellation application is submitted |
901024 | 手机号码格式错误,请输入正确的手机号 | The mobile phone number format is incorrect. Please enter the correct mobile phone number |
注册失败,终端设备不归属于该企业 | Registration failed,the terminal doesnot belong to the enterprise. | |
901025 | 账号已被锁定 | Account has been locked |
901030 | 预留给需要终端下线的错误码 | Error codes reserved for terminal offline |
901031 | 预留给需要终端下线的错误码 | Error codes reserved for terminal offline |
901032 | 预留给需要终端下线的错误码 | Error codes reserved for terminal offline |
901033 | 预留给需要终端下线的错误码 | Error codes reserved for terminal offline |
901034 | 预留给需要终端下线的错误码 | Error codes reserved for terminal offline |
901035 | 预留给需要终端下线的错误码 | Error codes reserved for terminal offline |
901036 | 预留给需要终端下线的错误码 | Error codes reserved for terminal offline |
901037 | 预留给需要终端下线的错误码 | Error codes reserved for terminal offline |
901038 | 预留给需要终端下线的错误码 | Error codes reserved for terminal offline |
901039 | 预留给需要终端下线的错误码 | Error codes reserved for terminal offline |
901040 | 终端需重注册 | Your terminal should re-register |
901041 | 预留给需要重注册的错误码 | Error codes reserved for re-register |
901042 | 预留给需要重注册的错误码 | Error codes reserved for re-register |
901045 | 该会议室设备账号没有有效许可,无法注册 | The device account has no vaild license, unable to register |
901046 | 邮箱格式错误 | The email format is incorrect. Please enter the correct email |
901048 | 账号信息已失效,登录失败 | Failed to login in due to the account is invalid |
901051 | 激活码无效 | Invalid activation code |
901052 | 没有访问权限,请联系超级管理员 | No access rights, please contact super administrator |
901053 | 验证码有误或已失效 | The verification code is incorrect or invalid |
901054 | 参数不正确或过于频繁发送 | Parameters are incorrect or sent too frequently |
901055 | 需要进行双因子认证 | Two factor authentication is required |
901056 | 登录超时,请重新登录 | Login timeout, please login again |
901057 | 管理员修改验证方式,为了保证账户安全,请重新登录 | The administrator modifies the authentication method. To ensure the security of the account, please log in again |
901058 | 邮箱或手机已被绑定 | Mailbox or mobile phone has been bound |
901059 | 操作过于频繁,请稍后再试 | Operation is too frequent, please try again later |
901060 | 不支持登录普通会议室账号 | Login to ordinary conference room account is not supported |
901071 | 刷新令牌已被使用 | Refresh Token has been used |
901072 | 账号未找到可在本平台使用的信息,请联系管理员 | No information can be found on this platform, please contact the administrator |
901073 | nonce值无效 | Invalid nonce value |
业务码 | 说明 | 英文说明 |
901100 | 您购买的服务已到期 | Service is expired |
901101 | 该帐号已被冻结 | Account is frozen |
901102 | 企业/个人帐号不存在 | Enterprise/Personal accounts do not exist |
901103 | 域名变更,通知下线 | Domain name change, offline notification |
901104 | 号码资源,通知重注册 | Number resources, notice re - registration |
901105 | 配置变更 | Configuration changed |
901106 | 企业号变更,通知下线 | Enterprise ID has changed, notify the offline |
901107 | 企业迁移中 | Enterprise area switching |
901108 | 企业域名错误,请重新输入或联系管理员 | The enterprise domain name is incorrect, please re-enter or contact the administrator |
901109 | 该会议已被冻结 | The meeting has been blocked |
901110 | 企业id不能为空 | Enterprise ID cannot be empty |
901111 | 预留给系统变更,强制结束通话,重新登录。 | Error codes reserved for re-registration and ignore terminal state. |
901112 | 企业号错误,请重新输入或联系管理员 | Enterprise number is incorrect, please re-enter or contact the administrator |
901113 | 企业LDAP服务不可用 | The LDAP service is unavailable |
901114 | 多租户模式许可证无效 | Invalid multi-enterprise license |
901115 | 企业用户账号号段资源被修改 | The enterprise user account number segment resource is modified |
901116 | 企业域名不存在 | Enterprise domain does not exist |
业务码 | 说明 | 英文说明 |
901200 | 端口不足 | Insufficient ports |
901201 | 会议号码资源不足 | Meeting ID resources are insufficient |
901202 | 会议号码申请失败 | Failed to apply the meeting ID |
901203 | 没有权限 | Permission denied |
901204 | 请求过于频繁 | Requests are too frequently |
901205 | 用户不在线 | User is offline |
901206 | 不匹配呼叫规则,即呼叫号码不存在 | Call rule is not matched, that the number does not exist |
901207 | 海外服务区域不支持该会议类型 | By User Mode cannot support the meeting type |
901208 | 请重新完成人机校验 | Please complete the man-machine calibration again |
901209 | 服务不需要端口 | Service does not require a port |
901210 | App被禁用 | App is disabled |
901211 | 未导入许可证 | no import port license |
901212 | 未导入服务单 | no import port service |
业务码 | 说明 | 英文说明 |
901300 | 用户DND | User DND |
901301 | 对端挂断 | The other participant ended the call |
901302 | 媒体协商失败 | Media negotiation failed |
901303 | 呼叫超时 | Time out |
901304 | 会议未开始或已结束 | The meeting has not begun or has ended |
901305 | 会议已锁住 | Meeting is locked |
901306 | 用户被从会议中移出 | User is removed from the meeting |
901307 | 会议被结束 | Meeting is ended |
901308 | 申请会议号失败 | Failed to create meeting ID |
901309 | 会议密码错误 | Incorrect meeting password |
901310 | 会议互动端口上限 | The upper limit of the meeting interaction port |
901311 | 会议广播端口上限 | The upper limit of the meeting broadcast port |
901312 | 账号被删除,退出会议 | Account deleted, exit meeting |
901313 | 个人注册账号,会周期性结束会议,移除会议内的所有人 | Free users, the meeting ends periodically, kicking everyone out of the meeting |
901314 | 主持人结束会议 | The host ends the meeting |
901315 | 只有一个与会者在会议中,超时结束会议 | Only one attendee is in the meeting, the meeting ends after a timeout |
901316 | 主持人未入会,会议中止 | No host, meeting ends after a timeout |
901317 | 无其他参会者入会,会议中止 | No attendee, meeting ends after a timeout |
901318 | 会议被删除,结束会议 | Meeting deleted, end conference |
901319 | 服务不可用,移出使用相应服务的用户 | Receiving a service order is unavailable |
901320 | 被主持人移出会议 | You have been moved out of the meeting by the host |
901321 | 首次绑定云会议室容量包 | First bind VMR capacity pack |
901322 | 该会议成员不存在 | The meeting member does not exist |
901323 | 轮询超时 | PollingTimeout |
901324 | 直播需要密码 | Password required for live broadcast |
901325 | 直播被禁止 | Live broadcast is banned |
901326 | 媒体版本过于陈旧 | Media version is too old |
901327 | 没有直播信息 | No live information |
901328 | 直播已结束 | The broadcast has ended |
901329 | 直播未开始 | The broadcast did not start |
901330 | 终端网络异常,退出会议 | The terminal network is abnormal. |
901331 | 小程序无法加入SVC会议 | Wechat Mini Program cannot join SVC meeting |
901332 | 电话会议服务异常,联系管理员 | PSTN service exception, contact the administrator |
901333 | 非法的被叫号码,呼叫失败 | Illegal called number, call failed |
901334 | 该号码今天的被呼叫次数达到限制,无法继续呼叫 | This number has reached the limit number of calls today and cannot continue to be called |
901335 | 呼叫的号码不存在,呼叫失败 | The number does not exist. |
901336 | 检查用户名是否包含非法字符 | Check if the user name contains illegal characters |
901337 | 限制账号登入 | Restrict account sign in |
901338 | 管理员删除会议,会议结束 | Administrator delete the meeting |
901339 | 主持人正在进行另一场会议,请稍后加入 | The host is in another meeting, please wait |
901340 | 你有另一场会议正在进行中,请结束后开启新会议 | You have a meeting that is currently in-progress. Please end it to start a new meeting. |
901341 | 会议尚未开始,请稍后呼入 | The meeting has not started, please call later |
901342 | 会议中已达最大聊天人数,聊天功能已被禁止 | The maximum number of meeting chats has been reached, and the chat function has been disabled |
901343 | 消息发送失败,你没有消息发送权限 | Message sending failed, you don't have permission to send a message |
901344 | 主持人未加入会议,请稍候 | The host has not joined the meeting, please wait |
901345 | 容灾数据过期 | Disaster recovery data has expired |
901346 | 找不到版本号对应的通告 | Cannot find the announcement corresponding to the version |
901347 | 未订阅会议信息 | Unsubscribed meeting information |
901348 | 签名失败 | Signature failed |
901349 | 允许等候室成员入会 | Allow members in the Waiting Room to join the meeting |
901350 | 会议成员移入等候室 | Members are sent to the Waiting Room |
901351 | 观众切换为与会者 | Set audience to attendee |
901352 | 与会者切换为观众 | Set attendee to audience |
901353 | 会议已开启不允许参会者在主持人之前加入,至少存在一位主持人 | Enabled not allow participants to join before host, at least has one host in the meeting |
901354 | 不允许在主持人之前进入会议 | Not allow participants to join before host |
901355 | 已开启不允许在主持人之前加入会议,仅支持邀请主持人 | Enabled not allow participants to join before host, only can invite the host |
901356 | 会议禁止参会者入会 | Not allow new members to join the meeting |
901357 | 观众允许发言 | Allow audiences to speak |
901358 | 观众禁止发言 | Not allow audiences to speak |
901359 | 用户主动离开会议 | Leave the meeting |
901360 | 已经在邀请中 | Already inviting |
901361 | 正在邀请的人数到达上限 | Inviting count reach limit |
901362 | 用户主动退出会议 | User left the meeting |
901363 | 录制被禁止 | Recoring is banned |
901364 | 会议已开启仅登录身份才能入会 | Only auth user can join |
901365 | 录制打开超时 | Recording start time out |
901366 | 直播打开超时 | Live stream start time out |
901367 | 录制时间过长,已自动停止录制,您可以选择重新开启 | The recording time is too long, the recording has been automatically stopped, you can choose to restart |
901368 | 操作者不存在 | Operator no exist |
901369 | 无共享屏幕权限 | No Share Screen Authorization |
901370 | 成员已邀请 | Member has been invited |
901371 | 当前不支持该操作 | Not support this feature currently |
901372 | 仅同企业帐号可入会 | |
901373 | 通话挂断 | Call ended |
901374 | 网络研讨会启用了观众注册自动审批,无法直接加入 | |
901375 | 网络研讨会启用了观众注册手动审批,无法直接加入 | |
901376 | 已有成员在研讨会中,无法重复加入 | Participants are already in the webinar, you cannot join repeatedly |
901377 | 网络研讨会启用了观众报名审批,无法直接加入 | The webinar has enabled attendees registration, can't join before registration |
901378 | 您已参与本轮投票 | You've already voted in this round |
901379 | 不支持移动客户端共享屏幕 | Mobile share disabled |
901380 | 外呼邀请时鉴权失败 | Authentication information is required |
901381 | RTSP开启失败 | Protocol negotiation failure |
901382 | 此会议仅对指定范围开放 | this meeting only allows specific list users to join |
901383 | 该设备不符合企业安全接入规则 | this device does not comply with security compliance |
901384 | 媒体超时 | Media timeout |
901385 | 入会密钥超时 | Credential expired |
901386 | 区域未部署服务 | Service is not deployed in the region |
901387 | 验证码ID校验失败 | Check verifyID failed |
901388 | 设置被全局锁定 | The setting is locked globally |
901389 | 被主持人禁止入会 | Refused to join by the host |
901390 | 未找到被转移设备,转移入会失败 | Target transferred device no found |
901391 | 已在另一设备转移入会,被移出会议 | Already transferred join by another device and removed from the meeting |
901392 | 主持人密钥错误 | Host key invalid |
901393 | 会中已存在主持人 | Host already exists in meeting |
901394 | 主动挂断,邀请方主动停止呼叫 | The inviter cancel invite |
901395 | 申领主持人功能已被关闭 | Host key disabled |
业务码 | 说明 | 英文说明 |
901400 | 时区配置ID异常 | Time zone configuration ID is abnormal |
901401 | 查询的日期无效 | Invalid date |
901402 | 会议持续时间大于会议记录之间的间隔时间 | Meeting duration is longer than the interval between meeting minutes |
901403 | 会议室不存在 | Meeting room does not exist |
901404 | 会议开始时间超过最大可选范围 | Meeting start time is outside the selectable range |
901405 | 会议持续时间的小时部分数据无效 | The value of meeting duration in hours is invalid |
901406 | 周期会议结束时间超过最大可选范围 | The end time of recurring meeting is outside the selectable range |
901407 | 查询不到会议 | No meeting found |
901408 | 会议室资源冲突 | Meeting room resource conflict |
901409 | 不支持预约会议室 | Cannot schedule a meeting room |
901410 | 不支持操作会议室 | Cannot operate the meeting room |
901411 | 个人配置关闭预约会议功能 | Personal configuration to turn off the function of scheduling meetings |
901412 | 未找到支持会议预约的服务包 | No available service pack for scheduling meeting |
901413 | 周期会议重复次数超过最大值{max} | The number of repeats of the recurring meeting exceeds the maximum value {max} |
901414 | 待编辑的会议与已存在的会议时间冲突 | Conflict with an existing meeting |
901415 | 删除的会议已经结束 | Deleted meeting has ended |
901416 | 更新的会议已经结束 | Updated meeting has ended |
901417 | 仅会议组织者能够删除会议 | Only the meeting organizer can delete the meeting |
901418 | 备注内容超过最大限制字数 | The number of words exceeds the maximum limit |
901419 | 参会成员数量超过最大限制数量 | The number of participants exceeds the maximum limit |
901420 | 参会成员数据不存在 | Participant does not exist |
901421 | 查询起始时间无效 | Start time is invalid |
901422 | 查询结束时间无效 | End time is invalid |
901423 | 只能编辑未开始的会议 | Only the meeting that not yet started can be edited |
901424 | 更新的会议开始日期必须大于当前日期 | The meeting's start time should be later than the current time |
901425 | 预约会议数量超过最大限制 | The number of scheduled meetings exceeds the maximum limit |
901426 | 硬件会议端口不足,无法加入会议 | No available Meeting Port-Hardware |
901427 | 软件会议端口不足,无法加入会议 | No available Meeting Port-Software |
901428 | 没有可用的虚拟会议室容量包或网络研讨会容量包 | No available capacity package of virtual meeting room or webinar |
901429 | 第三方接入服务不足,无法加入会议 | No available H.323/SIP Connector |
901430 | 电话会议服务容量不足,无法加入会议 | The PSTN Connector capacity is insufficient, unable to join the meeting |
901431 | 仅会议主持人能够编辑会议 | Only the host can edit the meeting |
901432 | 无可用的云存储服务,请企业管理员购买 | No Recording Storage Space available, please contact administrator |
901433 | 无可用的网络直播服务,请企业管理员购买 | No available Live services, please contact administrator |
901434 | Teams接入服务不足,无法加入会议 | No available Teams Connector, please contact administrator |
901435 | 无可用的微信小程序入会服务包,请企业管理员购买 | No WeChat Applet Connector available, please ask the enterprise administrator to purchase |
901436 | outlook邮件ID超过最大限制长度 | Outlook message ID exceeds maximum limit length |
901437 | 会议室连接器服务不足,无法加入会议 | No available meeting room equipment support service order |
901438 | 会议端口不足,无法加入会议 | No available meeting port service order |
901439 | 不能删除已结束的会议 | Cannot delete an ended meeting |
901440 | 会议容量不足,无法加入会议 | The meeting room capacity is insufficient, unable to join the meeting |
901441 | 会议容量不足,无法加入会议 | The meeting room capacity is insufficient, unable to join the meeting |
901442 | 虚拟会议室容量不足,无法加入会议 | Virtual Meeting Room (VMR) Package capacity is insufficient, unable to join the meeting |
901443 | 网络研讨会议室容量不足,无法加入会议 | Webinar Package capacity is insufficient, unable to join the meeting |
901444 | 硬件会议端口服务到期,请使用其他方式加入会议 | During the meeting, the Meeting Port-Hardware has expired |
901445 | 软件会议端口服务到期,请使用其他方式加入会议 | During the meeting, the Meeting Port-Software has expired |
901446 | 第三方接入服务到期,请使用其他方式加入会议 | During the meeting, the H.323/SIP Connector has expired |
901447 | Teams接入服务到期,请使用其他方式加入会议 | During the meeting, the Teams Connector has expired |
901448 | 会议端口服务到期,请使用其他方式加入会议 | During the meeting, the Meeting Port has expired |
901449 | 会议室连接器服务到期,请使用其他方式加入会议 | During the meeting, the Room Connector has expired |
901450 | 电话会议服务容量不足,请使用其他方式加入会议 | During the meeting, the PSTN Connector has expired |
901451 | 小程序入会服务容量不足,请使用其他方式加入会议 | During the meeting, the WeChat Applet Connector has expired |
901452 | 达到免费会议最大时长,请重新组织会议 | Reached the maximum duration of free meetings |
901453 | 虚拟会议室服务到期,请重新组织会议 | During the meeting, the VMR Package has expired |
901454 | 网络研讨会服务到期,请重新组织会议 | During the meeting, the Webinar Package has expired |
901455 | PSTN服务不可用 | No PSTN Connector available |
901456 | 参会成员无可见权限,请刷新列表 | Participants don't have the authorization to view it, please refresh the list |
901457 | 广播容量不足,无法加入会议 | The broadcast capacity is insufficient, unable to join the meeting |
901458 | SIP/H.323接入端口不足,无法加入会议 | The SIP/H.323 port is insufficient, unable to join the meeting |
901459 | 没有可用的4K接入服务包,请联系管理员 | The 4K access service is unavailable, please contact the administrator |
901460 | 点播端口不足,无法观看 | On-demand port is insufficient, unable to watch |
901461 | 录制端口不足,无法开启录制 | Recording port is insufficient, unable to start recording |
901462 | 是否随机会议号无效 | Is random meeting number invalid |
901463 | 创建直播异常 | Create live broadcast abnormally |
901464 | 发起直播用户不存在 | The user who initiated the live broadcast does not exist |
901466 | 创建直播认证失败 | Failed to create live broadcast authentication |
901467 | 获取授权用户信息认证失败 | Failed to obtain authorized user information authentication |
901468 | 获取授权用户信息失败 | Failed to obtain authorized user information |
901469 | 刷新访问凭证失败 | Failed to refresh access credentials |
901470 | 获取访问凭证失败 | Failed to obtain access credentials |
901471 | 该用户不支持发起直播。获取帮助:https://www.youtube.com/features | The user is not enabled for live streaming. Get help: https://www.youtube.com/features |
901472 | 用户请求过于频繁 | Too many requests for this user |
901473 | 用户已创建太多Youtube直播 | The user has created too many YouTube live broadcasts |
901474 | 直播状态不允许绑定到流上 | The current status of the live broadcast does not allow it to be bound to the stream. |
901475 | 无权创建直播 | No permission to create live broadcast |
901476 | 直播权限被阻止 | Your live stream permission is blocked |
901477 | 无效直播标题 | Invalid live title |
901478 | 无效直播分辨率 | Invalid live broadcast resolution |
901479 | 无效直播帧率 | 无效直播帧率 |
901480 | 请求凭证无效 | Invalid request credentials |
901481 | 未授权直播 | Unauthorized streaming |
901482 | 不支持的直播流状态 | Unsupported live stream status |
901483 | 更新直播状态失败 | Failed to update live status |
901484 | 直播流未激活 | Live stream is not activated |
901485 | 当前会议被冻结,无法加入 | Cannot join the meeting because it has been frozen |
901486 | 会议开始时间不得早于当前时间 | The meeting's start time should be later than the current time |
901495 | 调用Youtube API发生错误 | An error occurred when calling the Youtube API |
901496 | 基于数据归属合规性,该企业无法发起YouTube直播 | Due to data attribution compliance, the enterprise cannot initiate a YouTube live broadcast |
901497 | RC端口不足,无法加入会议 | The RC port is insufficient, unable to join the meeting |
901498 | YouTube直播审核升级中 | YouTube Live Streaming is upgrading |
901499 | 不支持加入未授权的云会议室 | Cannot join unauthorized virtual meeting room |
901507 | 不支持p2p会议 | Don`t support p2p meeting |
901508 | 会议室不支持签到 | Don`t support room checkin |
901509 | 会议室不支持签退 | Don`t support room checkout |
901510 | 会议室签到时间未到 | Room checkin time not yet |
901511 | 会议室签到时间已过 | Room checkin time passed |
901512 | 不满足会议室预约策略 | Not match conference room's scheduled strategy |
901517 | 达到会议最大时长,请重新组织会议 | Reached the maximum duration of meeting |
901519 | 私有云监控端口不足 | On-premise monitor port is insufficient |
业务码 | 说明 | 英文说明 |
901500 | 企业未购买云存储 | Enterprise did not purchase cloud storage |
901501 | 企业云存储不足 | Insufficient enterprise cloud storage |
901502 | 提取码错误 | Extraction code error |
901503 | 无录播空间,无法恢复文件 | No recording space to recover files |
901504 | 无法删除正在进行中的录制 | Cannot delete an ongoing recording |
901505 | 无法删除正在转码的文件 | Cannot delete the file that is being transcoded |
901506 | 开启录播失败 | Enable recording failed |
820008 | 资源未找到 | Resources not found |
820012 | 更新失败 | Update failed |
8200259 | 无法回收该类型的文件 | Unable to recover files of this type |
901513 | 企业未挂载本地存储空间 | The enterprise has not mounted local storage space |
901514 | 存储空间不足,请先清理本地磁盘或更换存储位置 | The storage space is insufficient, please clean up the local disk or change the storage location |
901515 | 无录制权限 | No recording permission |
901518 | 无自动录制权限 | No auto recording permission |
业务码 | 说明 | 英文说明 |
901600 | xxxxx | xxxxx |
业务码 | 说明 | 英文说明 |
901700 | 用户类型无效 | Invalid user type |
901701 | 文件名不能为空 | File name cannot be empty |
901702 | 文件大小超过最大限制 | File size exceeds maximum limit |
901703 | 图像缩放参数列表长度超过限制 | The length of the image scaling parameter list exceeds the limit |
901704 | 图像缩放参数高或宽不能为空 | The image scaling parameter height or width cannot be empty |
901705 | 图像缩放参数高或宽不能为负数 | The image scaling parameter height or width cannot be negative |
901706 | 用户id列表长度超过限制 | The user id list length exceeds the limit |
901707 | 不支持的文件类型 | Unsupported file type |
901708 | 文件大小不能为空 | File size cannot be empty |
901709 | 文件名称过长 | File name is too long |
901710 | 用户id不能为空 | User ID cannot be empty |
901711 | 账号信息异常,请刷新信息 | The account information is abnormal, please refresh the information |
901712 | 添加人数达到上限,添加失败 | The number of additions reaches the upper limit, and the addition fails |
901713 | 联系人信息异常,请刷新信息 | Contact information is abnormal, please refresh the information |
业务码 | 说明 | 英文说明 |
901800 | 录制已结束 | recording has ended |
901801 | 录制暂停中 | recording has paused |
901802 | 当前会议已发起录制 | recording of the current meeting has been initiated |
901803 | 录制开启中 | recording is starting |
901804 | 直播暂停中 | the live stream has paused |
901805 | 当前会议已发起直播 | the current meeting has started live stream |
901806 | 直播开启中 | the live stream is starting |
901807 | 个人布局设置超限 | personal layout reach limit |
901808 | 超过最大注册人数,注册失败 | Exceed the maximum number of registered people, registration failed |
901809 | 录制端口不足 | insufficient recording port |
901810 | 研讨会准备模式,观众不可入会 | practice session enabled |
901811 | webinar用户注册信息待审核 | user registration information of webinar to be audited |
901812 | webinar用户注册信息未通过审核 | user registration information of webinar is refused |
901813 | 投屏码不存在 | Share key does not exist |
901814 | 密码格式不正确 | Invalid password format |
901815 | 研讨会服务不可用 | webinar service is unavailable |
901816 | 投票数量超过限制 | The number of votes exceeds the limit |
901817 | 投票不存在 | Vote does not exist |
901818 | 不能编辑已经发起的投票 | Unable to edit a vote that has been published |
901819 | 不能删除已经发起的投票 | Unable to delete a vote that has been published |
901820 | 不能发布已经发起的投票 | Unable to launch a vote that has been published |
901821 | 不能重新发起未结束的投票 | Unable to relaunch a vote that has not been ended |
901822 | 不能结束非进行中的投票 | Unable to end a vote that is not in progress |
901823 | 该邮箱已被登记为嘉宾,请查收会议邀请邮件并通过专属链接入会 | The email address has been registered as a panelist, please check the invitation email and join the meeting through the dedicated link |
901824 | 仅会议组织者能够编辑会议 | Only the organizer can edit the meeting |
901825 | 会议准备中,无法使用该功能 | The feature not support because the webinar is in a practice session |
901826 | 富文本形式的文本内容超过最大限制字数 | The text content in rich text form exceeds the maximum number of characters |
901827 | 该投票已被结束 | The vote has been ended |
901828 | 失败,已有投票在进行中或在公布中 | Failed, voting is already in progress or is being announced |
901829 | 会议涉嫌违规,已关闭 | Due to content violation, the meeting has been closed |
901830 | 录音端口不足,无法开启录音 | usable.resource.not.found.for.crl |
901831 | 语音AI服务到期 | |
901832 | 周期会议时间设置无效 | The cycle time settings of meeting is unavailable |
901833 | 私有云录制端口不足,无法开启录制 | On-premise recording port is insufficient, unable to start recording |
901834 | 第三方日历服务不可用 | Third-party calendar service is unavailable |
901835 | 会议配置已变更,请返回后重新预约 | The conference configuration has been changed, please come back and make an appointment again |
901836 | 投屏码不支持该种方式 | The share key don`t support this mode |
901837 | 不能点名主持人 | can't roll call host |
901838 | 被点名的与会者不能设置为主持人 | can't modify role to host for roll call user |
901839 | 点名进行中,不可操作 | can't operate in roll call |
901840 | 实时转写 ASR 端口不足 | insufficient realtime asr port |
901841 | 离线转写ASR 端口不足 | insufficient offline asr port |
901842 | 端口超方服务容量不足,无法加入会议 | During the meeting, the Port Over Connector has expired |
901843 | AI人脸识别电子铭牌许可服务单不足 | |
901844 | 当前会议室已经达到最大限制,无法加入 | The meeting room has reached the maximum limit and cannot be joined |
901845 | 服务器资源不可用 | service resource is unavailable |
901846 | 当前会议已经达到最大限制,无法加入 | The meeting has reached the maximum limit and cannot be joined |
业务码 | 说明 | 英文说明 |
902701 | TVS初始化失败 | TSV failed to initialize |
904xxx | 逻辑层预留 |
业务码 | 说明 | 英文说明 |
905xxx | 终端UI占用 |
业务码 | 说明 | 英文说明 |
906001 | 转码任务不存在 | Transcoding task does not exist |
906002 | 会议录制空间不足 | Insufficient meeting recording storage |
906003 | P2P录制空间不足 | Insufficient phone recording storage |
906004 | 语音信箱空间不足 | Insufficient voice mail storage |
906005 | 服务器资源不足 | Insufficient server resources |
906006 | 录制中间文件不存在 | Recording intermediate file does not exist |
906007 | 语音转写服务端口不足 | Voice transcription service is insufficient |
906008 | 未申请许可 | No license |
906009 | 未部署语音识别引擎 | No speech recognition engine deployed |
业务码 | 说明 | 英文说明 |
907000 | 媒体检测超时 | No Media Data |
907001 | 信令保活失败 | Keepalive Timeout |
907002 | 录音媒体错误 | Record Media Failed |
907003 | 录音许可不足 | Record License Unavailable |
907004 | 无录音权限 | Record Permission Denied |
907005 | 录音服务器异常 | Recording Server Error |
907006 | 语音留言太短 | Voicemail Too Short |
907007 | 语音留言太长 | Voicemail Too Long |
907008 | 账号无语音权限(无法注册,无法邀请入会) | No Audio Permission |
907009 | 账号无权限(除无语音权限外,无其他呼叫权限) | No Authority |
业务码 | 说明 | 英文说明 |
908101 | 融合云加速链路失败 | ucca acceleration link failure |
908102 | 融合云加速许可不足 | no ucca acceleration license |
908103 | 融合云不支持内网加速 | intranet no acceleration |
908104 | 会议融合去加速许可不足 | no meeting ucca acceleration license |